
Our Search for Happiness

Our search for happiness is actually the search for God; it is the search for this Golden Age when Soul dwelt in the high worlds of Spirit and the high worlds of God.
-Harold Klemp

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Nigeria's tokens at 50

You don't see
a new born baby

You don't see
a baby's new teeth

You don't grow
teeth that don't bite
only to champ

At road blocks
we go with tokens
for the teeth of babies

A token of chicken
A token of soft liver
With eyes to see dissidence

Born 50 years ago
the teeth are milk
not strong for the bone

A token for the teeth
never mobile for the crunches
only stationary for open menace

The teeth have come
of age but presumed young
because of stunted growth

May the jaws
move and bite with teeth
grown with 50 years strength

May the jaws
forsake and lose the milk
for wisdom teething to crush

A token for the wise ones
an honour to them bestowed
for they are the heroes to emulate

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