
Our Search for Happiness

Our search for happiness is actually the search for God; it is the search for this Golden Age when Soul dwelt in the high worlds of Spirit and the high worlds of God.
-Harold Klemp

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Is fuel cheap in Nigeria? No!

Nigeria is not among nations with cheap fuel. We are among the top producing nations in crude oil. What is there to show in dividends. The little we have NNPC goes shopping with it! See what other counties are enjoying!
Where gasoline is cheapest
1.Venezuela12 cents
2.Iran40 cents
3.Saudi Arabia45 cents
4.Libya50 cents
5.Swaziland54 cents
6.Qatar73 cents
7.Bahrain81 cents
8.Egypt89 cents
9.Kuwait90 cents
10.Seychelles98 cents
44.United States$3.45
155 countries surveyed between March 17 and April 1, 2008. Prices not adjusted for cost of living or exchange rates.
Correction: Due to data errors, previous versions of these charts were incorrect. The charts have been updated.


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