
Our Search for Happiness

Our search for happiness is actually the search for God; it is the search for this Golden Age when Soul dwelt in the high worlds of Spirit and the high worlds of God.
-Harold Klemp

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Milking the Nigerian Cow

Milking the Nigerian Cow

If the cow is dead without the calf

Because the milk is not in the cistern for the calf

There will not be a herd

And the kingdom of cattle

Will have the future of the dead in eternal sleep

Let the cow live through the struggle for milk

The struggle continues even in our fears for the cow

Our fears abate that the guns will shoot and heads will roll

Have we not got the defence minister who is a General

And the militants are no longer military

But civil in their civilian demand for equity

The struggle continues even with IAP

The equity that justifies the worker is with us

Though we fight for future

We are neither at war nor in battle

We are inflamed to heal the wound

We are not engaged in suicide

Reminiscent of a malignant fever

Reacting to heal by boiling over

To cause a systemic halt and death


(c) Professor Ikechukwu Igbokwe

Department of Veterinary Pathology

University of Maiduguri


July 23, 2009.

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